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  • ADDRESS Conroy's Florist & Flower Delivery
    28442 Marguerite Parkway
    Mission Viejo, CA, 92692
  • CALL US (949) 364-9005
Dreams Bouquet

Dreams Bouquet


Introducing our "Dreams Bouquet" - a captivating symphony of nature's finest blooms elegantly crafted to delight the senses. This exquisite arrangement features the delicate allure of pink stargazer lilies, the lush verdancy of green hydrangeas, and the regal charm of purple stock, complemented by the graceful elegance of Alstroemerias and spray roses. Accented with fragrant Myrtle and wrapped in luxurious flower wrapping sheets, each petal whispers tales of serenity and beauty, promising to enchant any space with its timeless elegance and delicate fragrance. Embrace the tranquility of nature's bounty with this breathtaking bouquet, a perfect expression of love, gratitude, or celebration.


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