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    28442 Marguerite Parkway
    Mission Viejo, CA, 92692
  • CALL US (949) 364-9005
Delightful Ensemble

Delightful Ensemble


This breathtaking bouquet designed for Valentine's Day showcases lush scarlet roses, pristine white hydrangeas, and exotic green cymbidium orchids, all elegantly nestled in a glass vase with ti leaf accents. This romantic arrangement captures the essence of a secret garden, its vibrant hues and delicate blooms symbolizing deep love and admiration. The addition of ethereal green mist enhances its enchantment, making it an ideal gift for captivating the heart of your Valentine. Perfect for those seeking to express their love with a touch of elegance and whimsy.

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Recommended Final Touches

  • Mylar Balloons (1 ea)  Addon
    Mylar Balloons (1 ea)
    No Thanks
    Standard (1 ea) $6.00
    Deluxe (2) $12.00
    Premium (3) $18.00
  • Greeting Cards Addon
    Greeting Cards
    No Thanks
    Standard (As Shown) $6.99
  • Fine Chocolates Addon
    Fine Chocolates
    No Thanks
    Standard (Small) $24.99
    Deluxe (Medium) $29.99
    Premium (Large) $29.99
  • Plush  Addon
    No Thanks
    Small $24.99
    Medium $44.99
    Large $79.99

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